Schools booking form

**Complete the form below to book a Mojo school activity, once you have checked availability with Mojo Active.

Please note Mojo Active always aims to achieve the best experience for pupils and staff alike. When attending Mojo Active, schools and school staff can fulfill their duty of care by taking part in activities with pupils whenever and wherever possible.

Schools Booking Form

Group details

Mojo Minibus collection option

(there is a £110 + vat charge for a return trip for a group of 16 children within a 10 mile radius)

We would like to keep you informed about our programmes for schools which include learning outside the classroom, activity and enrichment days, sports team training and staff INSET days. Please tick the relevant areas of interest and do note, we never pass on your details to 3rd parties and you can unsubscribe at any time by emailing

In completing and signing this form, I understand that this is a non refundable deposit and I agree to the terms and conditions of Mojo Active.

We would be grateful if you could let us know where you heard about Mojo Active